Norwich School Blog

Spotlight On: Spanish - Why Study Spanish?

We spoke to some of our pupils studying Spanish to find out why they love the subject so much.

Marianne Smith – Upper 6

Sp: Decidí estudiar español porque realmente me gustó el curso GCSE y quería profundizar en la cultura hispana y la lengua española.

Eng: I decided to study Spanish because I truly loved the GCSE course and I wanted to deepen my knowledge of hispanic culture and language.

Sp: Estudiar español es muy divertido estudiamos un libro, una película, gramática española, todas las áreas de la vida hispana y lo aprendemos todo a través de diversas actividades y ejercicios.

Eng: Studying Spanish is so much fun.  We study a book, a film, Spanish grammar, and all aspects of hispanic life which we learn through a variety of different activities and exercises.

Sp: Lo que más me gusta de estudiar español son las oportunidades de mejorar el nivel de expresión oral. Tenemos clases semanales dedicadas a hablar con un español nativo y las lecciones siempre son entretenidas. ¡He recorrido un largo camino desde el comienzo del año 12!

Eng: What I like the most about studying Spanish is the opportunities we have to improve our level of speaking.  We have weekly one to one speaking lessons with a Spanish native and the lessons are always entertaining and enjoyable.  I've come a long way since the start of year 12!

Sp: Para mí, aprender español me ha permitido ir a estudiarlo a la universidad y tener una valiosa adición a mi CV. También me ha permitido viajar a España en viajes escolares y viajar a países hispanohablantes con un buen nivel de español es algo que quiero continuar.

Eng: To me, learning Spanish has meant that I will be able to study it at university and have a valuable addition to my CV. It has also given me the opportunity to travel to Spain on educational trips and travelling to Spanish speaking countries with a high proficiency level of Spanish is something I'd like to keep on doing.

Best of luck at University Marianne!

Georgia Hodgson – Lower 5

With over 400 million Spanish speakers worldwide, choosing Spanish has obvious benefits. The teaching staff in the Spanish department have such enthusiasm that it would be hard not to engage and develop the same passion for the subject. In addition to studying the language, we learn about the culture. Pupils have the opportunity to enter national competitions and travel with Norwich School to practise their language skills. I look forward to undertaking Spanish at GCSE level and hope to become fluent.