Norwich School Blog

2023/24 Red Gowns, House Captains and Prefects introduce themselves at assembly

At the start of another academic year, Norwich School's new Red Gowns, House Captains and Prefects addressed their fellow pupils in the Cathedral during assembly.
You can read the address below:

Prefects Assembly


Good morning everyone. My name is Eliza and I’m your lead on Sustainability and head of school this year. This morning your 23/24 prefect team will be introducing themselves and letting you know what they’ll be doing this year. If I could ask this year's prefects to please stand up and make themselves visible around the cathedral, quite a lot of them will have colourful shirts on and on Wednesday’s we wear pink, if you know you know. I will now hand over to some of our team to explain what we do.


You will see us all in cathedral every morning doing many things. We ask that you fill up the nave of the Cathedral first and then the sides. You should sit with you house when possible and you can find them and your house captains next to one of the 8 lollipops. We ask at the end of assembly you stack up all the hymn books from your row and the prefects will come and get them. Please stay sat down if you are a blue blazer until you are told you can go to stop traffic jams at the door.


At lunchtime we will be on the doors of the refectory and also on the playgrounds. We ask that you have your lanyards ready and if you have forgotten them one day, please go to 71A to get a lunch slip before queuing up. You may have to wait a few minutes before you can get into lunch so feel free to chat with the prefects on the door or a quick game of rock papers scissors to pass the time.


Pastoral Prefects

Your pastoral prefects this year are Kaitlin, Claudia, Poppy, Freya, Izzy, Kyle, Guy and Sophia. We’re all wearing a bright green tie or badge so we’re easy to recognise. Pastoral Prefects are here to help with anything you need especially if you need someone to talk to, even if it’s just to talk about the latest love island episode. There will be posters around school with our names and what we look like so hopefully we’ll be very easy for you to find, and each of us will come round every tutor group in our house so we can all get to know each other. Norwich School has so many opportunities so it can be easy to get overwhelmed and talking to a teacher can be hard when you’re nervous, so we’re here to help you make the most of the year. 


House Captains

Daniel: Hello! We are Daniel, Liv, Tilly, Livi, Hugo, Kit, Sophie and Lauren and we are your house captains this year. You can recognise us by our gowns with our house colours on in cathedral. We also wear a tie/badge with our house colour on it.  As house captains we organise house events such as our upcoming house shout! Which of course Brooke are going to win.


Liv: Im not so sure about that Daniel. we are also here to spread positivity and smiles and make sure everybody in our houses are happy at school and in their tutor groups. Year 7s you’re also in for a treat as we get to come to Hautbois house with you on your trip next month! We are here for fun all year round.


Red Gowns (mention councils)

Hi, I’m Maddy, one of the red gowns and this year I will be taking the lead on admissions. Each red gown is responsible for a specific area of school life. You can contact us with a Teams message or find us during the school day and we would love to hear your thoughts and feedback.

In my role, I mainly focus on the administrative duties such as organising tours and open days to ensure a smooth and welcoming admissions process for prospective students and their families. I will now tell you a bit more about our other red gowns and their individual responsibilities.


Sophie is the Red Gown for Girls and Young Women this year. She will be coordinating events with FemSoc, such as International Women’s Day and the Reclaim the Night vigil, and hopes to show you that feminism is something we should all be proud to get involved in.


Bea is the 4th form red gown this year and will be working on helping the new L4s settle into school life as well as organising fun events for both L4 and U4 to get involved with throughout the year.


Ben is the 5th form red gown this year. Ben hopes to make life in 5th form as enjoyable as possible, ensuring a smooth transition into and through GCSEs, and coordinating events for the 5th formers. Ben is always willing to listen to ANY suggestions, concerns or complaints.


Hannah is the 6th form red gown this year and her role is to represent the views and opinions of those in sixth form. She looks forward to getting to know people better and raising any concerns they have. 6th form is a stressful time, and she wants to lessen this and make it a welcoming and inclusive cohort.


Max is the Red Gown for Sport and one of two Deputy Heads of School this year. He wishes to ensure that the school’s sporting provision is inclusive and accessible to those of all age and abilities. He is welcome and keen to hear any pupil suggestions to achieve this.


Jay is your academic red gown for this year. He hopes to make sure that students feel able to express themselves academically, whether in a society or through confidence in exams. If you have any ideas related to this, feel free to get in touch or look out for the drop-in sessions during the year.


Ottilie is this years EDI red gown, which stands for equality, diversity, and inclusion. Shes hoping to expand all the clubs and societies, and really try to further promote our schools ethos of love, care, and compassion within our community this year. She’s up for any and all discussions to help achieve this goal together.


Eliza is you lead on Sustainability this year. She’s hoping to find way in which we can all as a community do our bit to help. She is looking into ways we can reduce electricity usage and also the amount of food waste produced every day. If you have any ideas about ways to make our school more sustainable please get in touch and look out at the societies fair for ways to get involved.


Dylan is the Red Gown for Creatives this year and the other deputy head of school. He hopes to increase the frequency and quality of all the school’s creative pursuits as well as getting as many people involved as possible. Make sure to spark a conversation with him if you’re interested in getting involved in as many creative events as possible!


The 4th, 5th, and 6th form councils are a brilliant way to get involved with school life, providing a platform for any ideas or feedback to be discussed and implemented. Led by myself, Ben, and Hannah respectively, we aim to make pupil voice a priority. it really is an opportunity for you to make a change within the school that both you and your peers could benefit from, and it would be brilliant if you could sign up… and I believe there are cookies at each meeting (I think). Thank you for listening.
