Norwich School Blog

Pupils enjoy movement and physical theatre workshop with Gecko

Last month, we welcomed Gecko Theatre Company into Blake studio for a session with L4-L5 pupils. Gecko run workshops which support the teaching of students in schools, colleges and universities, giving participants the chance to experience Gecko’s unique style of movement and physical theatre, as well as an opportunity to gain an insight into the creative processes which devising performers use when creating a show. 

Izi Mayhew, who took part in the workshop, tells us all about the experience:

"On Monday the 12th June I was lucky enough to attend a physical theatre workshop from the company Gecko. It was a great opportunity, and it was a lot of fun. We took part in engaging exercises like our copycat warm up and our travelling exercise. My favourite bit was when we worked in groups to produce scenes with different emotions and places. I loved that by being in an environment where only people who were engaged and willing to try hard and ignore the awkwardness of social normalities such as boys and girls cannot touch, we managed to add real emotions and depth to our performances and really add to what we could achieve. Our group managed to connect and display feeling without any distractions and without barriers. I really enjoyed this opportunity especially in the build-up to GCSE drama. I am really looking forward to more opportunities like this as it was truly such an enjoyable and rewarding experience and I hope to do more things like the Gecko workshop in the future."
