Norwich School Blog

Norwich School's Peter Goddard and his 'Mighty Hike'

Norwich School’s Peter Goddard has set his sights, for the second year running, on the very impressive Mighty Hike to raise money for MacMillan Cancer Support. He has written the following report as he seeks to fundraise for this important cause.

“I think it was Nietzsche who said, ‘all truly great thoughts are conceived while walking.’ I am fortunate to live in the South Norfolk countryside and just love the mixed sensation of peacefulness and exhilaration that comes from propelling oneself - with time to think and of course contributing to one’s good health. My favourite time to walk is early in the morning, as the day warms it is the best time to see deer, red kites, boxing hares and the privilege of listening to the huge mixed bag of bird calls. I try to walk every day, between six to twelve miles.

I discovered the MacMillan Mighty Hike Programme last year and though definitely not a race I managed to finish 7th out of 1500 walkers over their 15 mile course. I am walking in the event again this year on the 21st May and doing so with my son, Tom (ON).

But why do I think it important to walk for Macmillan? In my extended family cancer has taken relatives, in my 40 years at Norwich School I have attended too many funerals of colleagues and pupils lost to cancer. 1 in 2 people develop some form of cancer in their lifetime and it is to the Macmillan Charity that many turn to for help with the provision of specialist healthcare, information and financial support. So supporting this excellent charity was for me, a ‘no- brainier’.”

If you can support Peter in his Macmillan Hiking Quest please be in touch -