Norwich School Blog

Norwich School pupil Oscar Lawrence writes for Norfolk Wildlife Trust

Lower 4 pupil, Oscar Lawrence, took up an interest in wildlife and birdwatching in lockdown when he would go on long walks in the countryside with his parents as there wasn’t much else to do! At first, his parents would point out different bits of wildlife, but then Oscar got an i-SPY book so he could spot them himself. Oscar has now collected over 1,000 i-SPY points and has received a ‘Super spotter’ certificate.

As both Oscar’s passion for and knowledge of wildlife increased, he decided to combine this with his love of creative writing. He began writing for his local newspaper as part of his community service award in the Lower School. He’s now been writing for the village magazine for over a year, basing each article on what he saw at his most recent visit to nearby wildlife reserves.

Oscar has enjoyed writing in the village magazine so much, he wanted to see what else he could do. When visiting the Norwich Science Festival, Oscar noticed there was a Norfolk Wildlife Trust stall. Following a conversation, Oscar sent over some of his articles, and they agreed to publish one of his on their blog. Oscar decided to write this one about the Osprey, a “rare” and “magnificent” bird.

You can read Oscar’s article on the Norfolk Wildlife Trust website:

Oscar recently found out the exciting news that this article will also be printed in the next edition of the Norfolk Wildlife Trust magazine, ‘The Tern.’ Oscar is also writing another article for their blog about World Swallowtail Day which will be published in June.

In School, Oscar gave a presentation about his love of wildlife as part of the Ethelbert Society which focused on how Norfolk’s wildlife is affected by climate change. Oscar has seen first-hand specie decline such as geese which are disappearing from our county. Oscar said he would love to turn this passion into a career in the future. Well done to him on so many impressive achievements so far!

Below are some photos Oscar has taken: