Norwich School Blog

Norwich School pupil India Bayes on her dental health talk at local primary school

On Wednesday 21 June, L6 pupil and prospective dental student, India Bayes, visited Magdalen Gates Primary School to give a talk to Year 1 pupils on dental health.

India gave her talk as part of Magdalen Gates’ Personal Development unit.


India says: ‘The talk was fun and interactive for the pupils. Since I am not a qualified dentist, my goal for the talk was to get the children thinking about their oral health and how important basic things like drinking lots of water and brushing your teeth twice a day are. Knowledge from writing my 7000 word Independent Study on the ‘Causes and Cures of Dental Caries’ was used to reinforce the importance of fluoridated toothpaste and a healthy, low sugar diet.

I was really impressed and happy with how knowledgeable the pupils were on good brushing and eating habits to keep their teeth healthy and cavity free. With the current crisis in access to NHS dentistry, it’s extra important that children are aware of the importance of maintaining healthy teeth.’