Norwich School Blog

New Partnership Begins Between Anglian Waste Recycling and Norwich School

Norwich School is proud to announce the launch of an exciting new partnership with Anglian Waste Recycling. 

We will be working together to focus on reducing the amount of waste heading from the school to landfill. 

Food waste has a significant impact on the environment in both local and global communities and at Norwich School we are eager to improve our sustainability. It is because of this that we have decided to use Anglian Waste Recycling to take care of our food waste. 

Positive outcomes of this partnership include our food waste now being transported to an anaerobic digestion plant in Attleborough. This transforms our waste into biomethane gas which is used to supply 4000 Attleborough homes and businesses with a green and innovative alternative to fossil fuels. Additionally, the digestate biofertilizer left by the process is used by local farms.  This fertiliser not only improves soil quality but also adds nutrients to crops.  

We are also keen to take our pupils on our sustainability journey and ensure they understand the impacts a site such as ours could have on the environment and the steps we are taking to mitigate this, so instil in the pupils an enhanced knowledge of how to make sustainable decisions. With this in mind, Anglian Waste Recycling will supply the school with monthly reports on our waste management and we hope that this will help pupils and staff to better understand their involvement, visualize their achievements and see the areas which they could improve further.  

Anglian Waste Recycling also hope to work with Norwich School’s Green Group, meaning that pupils can truly be at the forefront of making the school a greener place. 

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