Norwich School Blog

Acro Action - Introducing The New AcroPad!

Friends of Norwich School generously awarded the Dance Department £1445 to purchase an AcroPad. The aim of this was to improve provisions for gymnastics/acrobatics/dance by creating a safer practise and opening up new opportunities for gymnastics. This opens up the opportunity to learn new skills in clubs and games and to explore acrobatics further. The AcroPad, although having only recently arrived, has already been a brilliant asset to Norwich School's Acro Club as told by Head of Performing Arts, Imogen Osborn;

"Acro Club is happening weekly with students from Lower 4 to Upper 6 taking part. Pupils are able to learn new skills and practice existing tricks. Although the tricks in this video look impressive there are also a number of pupils working on things like forwards rolls, cartwheels etc. so the club isn't just about big tumbling skills. 

Alice Ross is our guest instructor for this club and has a great knowledge of acrobatics and gymnastics. The pupils do conditioning and technique exercises to build their strength and execute challenging skills effectively. 

The AcroPad is such a great addition to the dance department and already the pupils are so pleased that it's finally here. It means we are able to practice and use challenging moves while still maintaining safe practice. 

The pupils would like to say a huge thank you for awarding the funds to buy the AcroPad!"

Click here to see what they've been getting up to...