Making Musicians

MAKING MUSICIANS - Music scholarship Programme

Making Musicians is an exciting programme for developing the very best musical talent at Norwich School and beyond. Singers, instrumentalists and composers both from within the school and the wider community participate in an annual series of workshops, lectures, visits, masterclasses and recitals designed specifically to nurture young musicians.

All Music Scholars at Norwich School are offered a place on this scheme and pupils from other schools are also welcome to join us free of charge upon successful application.



Making Musicians revolves around regular workshop days, usually eight in each academic year. On these special days, participants attend bespoke workshops to enrich and enhance their musical learning. 

Workshop days might involve masterclasses with world-class instrumental experts, lessons in mastering the stage and dealing with performance anxiety, or compositional techniques and practical interpretation skills - just to name a few of our past offerings.


Recent workshops:

  • Brass masterclass led by Amos Miller, Head of Brass, Royal College of Music.
  • World music workshop led by Kabantu
  • Lecture on how music can help those living with dementia, Heather Edwards
  • Flute masterclass given by RNCM professor, Laura Jellicoe
  • Masterclass given by celebrated soprano, Elizabeth Watts
  • Baroque masterclass given by Matthew Wadsworth, lutenist
  • Jazz workshop led by saxophonist Finn McEwen ON
  • Harpsichord day, lessons given by Mr Steven Devine, harpsichordist for the Orchestra for the Age of Enlightment
  • Visit by Robert Cohen, professor of cello at Royal Academy of Music
  • Project with London Bulgarian Choir, learning about different cultures through music.
  • Conducting workshop delivered by Alice Farnham.
  • Weekly visits to the Mancroft Ringing Discovery Centre to learn more about the art of campanology.

Upcoming events:

  • Violin masterclass given by Emmanuel Bach, Thursday 3 October 14:00 - 16:00
  • Masterclass and recital given by Tyler Hay, piano. Thursday 17 October. Times TBC



Making Musicians recitals bring together Norwich School Music Scholars and talented pupils from other East Anglian schools to perform in a prestigious concert setting. Performers receive one-on-one coaching from senior Making Musicians staff, as well as supportive accompaniment from our team of pianists. Performers are also offered the chance to have the recital recorded live, or at a later date in our professionally equipped recording studio.

Recitals held recently in the School Chapel were recorded and sent to local care homes. They are available to watch on our Norwich School YouTube channel.

Upcoming recitals:

  • Monday 1 July 17:30 - Norwich School Chapel.
    Almary and Barbirolli string quartets. Programme to include Mendelssohn Octet, first movement.
  • Thursday 11 July 15:00 - Cley Church.  Alice Platten, soprano, Tristan McCardel, violin accompanied by Brenda Blewett, piano.

  • Thursday 10 October 13:00 - South Transept, Norwich Cathedral

  • Thursday 14 November 13:00 - South Transept, Norwich Cathedral

ADDITIONAL BENEFITS for Norwich School Music Scholars

Working alongside their instrumental teachers, participants receive direct guidance and support from the Head of Making Musicians throughout the academic year. They also have the chance to take special trips to attend professional performances and external masterclasses, and to put their musical abilities to good use in a rewarding community outreach scheme.

Recent visits:

  • Trip to St Peter Mancroft Church to hear renowned cellist Sheku Kanneh Mason performing with the Fantasia Orchestra. 
  • Visit to Royal Opera House, Covent Garden to watch rehearsal conducted by Sir Tony Pappano and to attend evening performance.
  • English Touring Opera performance at Theatre Royal, Norwich


Financial Benefits

There are two sources of funding relating to the music scholars/exhibitioners.  

Source one - instrumental/singing lessons

Both music scholars and exhibitioners can claim for instrumental/singing lessons by sending receipts to in the Trinity term.

Please refer to your personalised letter from the Head for the amount you can claim for.

Source two - financial assistance towards items required to enrich pupils learning, for example:

  • Specialist sheet music
  • Consultation lessons with leading professionals
  • Concert visits
  • Seminars
  • Grants towards maintenance/repair/purchase of instruments
  • Hire of instruments
  • Grants towards music software
  • One-to-one performance coaching
  • Accompanists (for lessons, performances, competitions, exams)
  • Alexander Technique
  • Examination and Diploma costs
  • Trial organ lessons
  • Fees towards music courses

Source two is only for music scholars and in addition to source one.  Please contact or if you are considering a claim from this fund and we can let you know if it will be approved. We will require you to pay upfront and provide receipts. We will then request a refund to be paid into a nominated bank account. Receipts can be sent at any time of year.



Mrs Caroline Speca was a professional violinist with the Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, where she worked for fourteen years with the world’s leading conductors, singers and orchestral musicians. Today, she is a music educator, community musician, and ambassador for Britten Pears Arts, an Arts Council England National Centre of Excellence for musical talent and creative health. Her repertoire ranges from classical opera and ballet to traditional ‘palm-court’ dance music, musical theatre and contemporary improvisation. She has a passion for identifying and nurturing young musical talent, and for music with a social purpose. Mrs Speca holds a Bachelor of Music from Guildhall School of Music and Drama, a Postgraduate Certificate in Music for Dementia from Roehampton University and a Postgraduate Certificate in Collaborative Music Practice for Health from Anglia Ruskin University.



For further information, or to apply for a place on the scheme, please contact the Head of Making Musicians at
