Week Commencing 15/06/2020

Monday 15th June

Challenge for the week:

This week's challenge is to learn a phrase in another language. Pick a language you've never even considered before, think of a message of support for your friends or the wider Norwich School community. Film your message and send it in. Let's see how many different languages we can support each other in!

Thank you to Charlie Hutchinson for his excellent video showing us what he learned about bees and helping a couple out in the process!

Also, see below, Alice Strike has been taking some gorgeous photos of flowers in her back garden!

Tuesday 16th June

TED:Talk Tuesday


This week for Ted Talk Tuesday, watch Georgia Haukom discuss the negative consequences of lying.

For this week's Sectional Assembly, watch travel vlogger Drew Binsky's video on Leon Logothetis the Kindness Guy, a man that managed to travel the world on kindness alone.

Wednesday 17th June

Writing Prompt Wednesday

Write a short story- 500 words max

Or for a quick challenge

Write a very short story- 100 words max

Here is your prompt:

When her mother told her they were leaving, she could never have imagined that they would end up in a place so dark and damp. It was a place where shadows moved in the corner of your eyes, where figures of shadow materialised in front of you, only to vanish on closer inspection.


Thursday 18th June

Thursday is Fitness Challenge Day! 

Here's Miss Tivey's Challenge:

How long can you hold a wall sit position? Make sure your hips and knees are bent to 90 degrees, and don't rest your hands on your legs! Can you beat 1:52?

Friday 19th June

It's Fun Fact Friday!

Butterflies taste with their feet! That's right, they have sensory receptors in their feet. They can taste a leaf to see if their caterpillars can eat it.

See below, Alice Strike has made some excellent scones for House Challenge.