Week Commencing 04/05/2020

Monday 4th May 

Challenge for the week:

Last week we set out to do something positive in our communities, especially to help lonely and elderly people. Below, see Alice Strike’s letters that she delivered to the elderly in her area, and Jack Paterson’s banner for Captain Tom Moore.

This week your Fourth Form Blog challenge is to spend one hour practising something new. It could be anything, drawing, painting, dancing, singing, Rubiks cube, gaming… use your imagination. Send in before/after photos or videos. Show us what an hour of focused practise can achieve.

Also, see last week’s Sectional Assembly on NASA’s Perseverance Rover mission.


Tuesday 5th May

TED-Talk Tuesday

This week we have “The Mindset of a Champion” by Carson Byblow. Hear how a shift in mindset can make all the difference...


Wednesday 6th May

Writing Prompt Wednesday

Writing Prompt Wednesday.

Every week you’ll find a writing prompt here. Use it to do one of two things:

Write a short story- 500 words max

Or for a quick challenge

Write a very short story- 100 words max

Start your piece with the prompt and see where it takes you! The best entries every week will be posted on the blog the following week. Send your entries to ewolsey@Norwich-school.org.uk.


This week’s prompt:

The sea frothed and writhed beneath the boat, and a pair of great red eyes stared up at them from the deep…

If you’re interested in other writing activities, please see the Co-Curricular page as well by clicking here.


Thursday 7th May

Thursday is Fitness challenge day! Come back each week and find a new fitness challenge.

This week, Miss Tivey challenges you to stand 2 meters away from a wall and, for 30 seconds, try to catch the ball in alternating hands as many times as possible without dropping it! Try to beat Miss Tivey's score of 34... Good luck!


Here is Lucas Peacock's attempt at Miss Tivey's challenge last week:


Send your entries to ewolsey@Norwich-school.org.uk to challenge the record.

Last week was the Keepy Uppy challenge. See our winner, Lucas Peacock completing the challenge.