Norwich School Blog

Pupils Enjoy a Special Assembly Focusing on Mental Health

This morning, the Senior School enjoyed an assembly focusing on World Mental Health Day, presented by pupils Oscar, Freddie, Kyriel, Libby, Rachel and Eli. Here is what they presented... 

Kyriel said: Yesterday was 10 October; World Mental Health Day. It is a day to talk about mental health including how we need to look after it, how important it is to talk about things and how to get help if you are struggling. The theme this year is ‘make mental health and wellbeing for all a global priority.’ But first it is important that we understand what mental health is. Our mental health is something everyone has, it is just as important as our physical health, and is about how we feel on the inside. Our mental health can be positive and make you feel happy and energetic – but it can also go through darker periods where we don’t feel like doing much at all. Mental health can affect our motivation and energy, but also our friendship, hobbies and studies that is why it is important we take measures to maintain a good mental health.  

Libby said : Perhaps the most common issue regarding our mental health at Norwich School would be maintaining a healthy school-life balance. With GCSEs and A-Levels this is particularly relevant for those in the older years – but school life can become overwhelming at any time for anyone, from a fourth former to a teacher. It is important that we all make the time to relax and unwind after school; furthermore, getting homework and revision done in goodtime will allow you to have more time in the evenings to watch your favourite show with your family or facetime your friends. At a school where the vast majority will also have many extra-curricular activities to attend to, make sure those activities – swimming, netball, piano, rowing - do make you happy and are not distracting you from your mental health. Equally, if you are feeling a bit low it is usually a good idea to do something; like going for a walk with a friend – to raise your morale. Make sure to be kind to yourself – as well as others – regarding your school life balance, particularly when exam season begins. Make the time to do things and see people that make you happy, so that you can perform at your best and feel able and capable. I will now hand over to pastoral prefects – who can now be identified by the grey gowns - Oscar and Freddie who will be coming round with some questions about how you look after your own mental health.   

Oscar and Freddie then hosted a Q&A with some of our staff and pupils, including Mrs. Fairweather, Mr White, May, Darcy, Archie and Pieter. They addressed important issues such as What do you like to do to de-stress? What makes you the happiest? and What has brought you joy this week?

Rachel said: This World Mental Health Day we are looking at making wellbeing a priority in our school community. So, if you would like to share what you like to do for your own wellbeing or any other encouraging messages, please feel free to go to the welfare hub to share these thoughts on postcards. These will be directly outside Mrs. Valpied’s office, and we are hoping to create a board to help destigmatise mental health and encourage others to reach out when they are struggling. Yesterday, we started collecting donations for green ribbon pins which symbolise mental health. 

Eli said : Within Norwich School, there are plenty of places for you to report anything that concerns you – if you do not fancy talking to a trusted teacher or prefect, please use Toot Toot to record these concerns. Hopefully you have received an email last week with instructions on how to log in, if not please let your tutor know. However, we really encourage you to reach out and speak to someone at school if you are struggling, as we are really lucky to have such a great welfare team led by Mrs. Fairweather and Mrs. Valpied. Additionally, you could reach out to your Heads of Houses, Heads of Sections and any member of staff that you are comfortable with. If you would rather not speak to a teacher, you can speak to the Middle 5 Peer supporters, Pastoral Prefects and House Captains. Additionally, the Welfare Hub is in use at all times of the school day if you are feeling a bit low and need a break from the hectic school day. There is no need to speak to anyone there as it is a quiet space, Mrs. Valpied and Ms. Scott will just see who is in there to register you and are there if you do want to speak to someone. Moreover, please do take steps to look after your own wellbeing – as well as looking out for others. If you ever have any worries remember there are plenty of people throughout the school who would be more than happy to help – no matter how big or small the concern. Thank you 


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