Senior School news

Ukraine Teen Group Celebrates Christmas in Style

20 December 2023

The OMR was transformed into a festive wonderland for the final Ukraine Teen Group gathering of the year. The group is run by Norfolk County Council staff and Norwich School has gladly lent their buildings and support to the group. The group has been meeting once a fortnight since the summer and is a place for teens to come from across the county to socialise and take part in activities. The group has had nearly 60 attendees over the duration of the sessions and some wonderful friendships have been formed.

The Christmas Party was a huge success with massive thanks going to Ady Marsham, the school's electrician, we asked him to put a few lights up and this is what he did, he is amazing, thanks so much Ady! Thank you also to the FONS of Norwich School who kindly supported a funding request for the group, we were able to use to some of the funding for some traditional party food which was a huge treat - thank you FONS!

The school has been delighted to offer their support to this group and have also been working with English Plus to support the Conversation Cafe, which supports Ukrainian families and other asylum seeking families with conversation skills. Thank you to everyone who has been involved, we look forward to helping further in 2024.