Senior School news

Norwich School Chamber Choir Announces Next Performance

13 March 2023

Following their successful debut concert last year and recent production of Dido and Aeneas, the Norwich School Chamber Choir next perform a concert of unaccompanied choral repertoire at 19:00 on April 20 at Thorpe Parish Church. 

The Chamber Choir, currently formed of 16 pupils, provides the school's highest-level choral singers the opportunity to tackle complex repertoire in a small group. Many of these pupils wish to continue singing beyond school, to be a choral scholar at university, or work on the back row of a cathedral choir. 

This concert explores the text, 'Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence', from the Liturgy of St. James through music, with a selection of pieces reflecting on the themes of each verse. The programme encompasses a wide variety of repertoire from the 16th century to the present day. As well as several famous pieces from the English Choral Tradition from Byrd to Bairstow, we explore many lesser-known works, many of which are unpublished, unrecorded, or by living composers. 

Please do come and join us for the concert followed by refreshments. Entry is free (doors open at 18:30) with a retiring collection in aid of Thorpe Parish Church. 

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