Senior School news

Fun For All Ages: Intergenerational Sports Day

12 June 2023

On 8 June, all ages joined together for an afternoon filled with fun, laughter and even a bit of competitive spirit.

Norwich School and Friend in Deed worked to create an unforgettable event. Friend In Deed is a charity in Norfolk which brings various age groups together in intergenerational projects; they endeavour to create a community led by friendship and kindness in the hope of making a better life for those experiencing loneliness.

The event organisers were joined by over 30 care home residents along with staff from care homes, families with babies and children and pupils from Framingham Earl High School. Teams were formed with members aged 0-90 years old, with everyone taking part in the activities and enjoying some friendly competition!

There was something for everyone, with events such as skittle bowling, bean bag tossing and the egg and spoon race, which was held in the playground in glorious sunshine. Contestants worked together and all events were as accessible as possible, so nobody missed out.

Here is what Partnerships Officer of Norwich School, Suzanna Thomas, had to say about the day:

What was your favourite part of the afternoon?

“Seeing so many old people, young people and everyone in between coming together and just enjoying spending time with one another. These types of events bring out the best in people and in a world where there can be so much unkindness, the Sports Day is an island of joy and acceptance!”

Why do you think Intergenerational Sports Day is important?

“There are few opportunities for older people to get out into the community and to feel included and so the Sports Day is just one day where people of all ages can feel useful and to remember they matter. One lady said she hadn't been in a school for 80 years, let alone taken part in a sports day!”

Are there any similar projects which you would like to undertake in the future?

"Norwich School has a long history with Friend in Deed, including the Virtual Choir, Intergenerational Quiz,  Dementia Friends training, care home visits from pupils and this, our third Intergenerational Sports Day. We're looking forward to next year's already!”

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