Senior School news

Conversation Café Returns With English+

15 December 2023

This term the Conversation Café working with English+ returned on Wednesday evenings to help recent arrivals into Norwich become more confident in English and have a better understanding of English culture. This year, the café has also welcomed new members from Hong Kong and Japan. 

With the help of returning U6 volunteers as well as new volunteers in the Lower 6, we have steered the group through some common linguistic situations such as job-hunting tips, and day-to-day greetings. The advanced group also had a fun lesson on Cockney rhyming slang – who would Adam and Eve it ?

We rounded off the term with a trip to that most British of institutions - the pub - for a Christmas meal where some of the group enjoyed a traditional meal of turkey with all the trimmings. A great evening was had by all, not even ruined by the most appalling Christmas cracker jokes. We will be returning in 2024 ready to carry on along our linguistic and cultural journey.