Senior School news

Choral concert with London Mozart Players - a memorable evening

05 March 2019

On Saturday 3rd March, Norwich School Choral society performed in partnership with London Mozart Players (the UK's first chamber orchestra) in a memorable concert at St. Andrew's Hall. This is the third year of the successful partnership. Several Norwich School pupils were given the unique opportunity to take part, and for the first time, advanced instrumentalists and singers from other local schools were also invited to play and sing in the event. Norwich School's Director of Music, Richard Allain, conducted the orchestra.

This year they performed Mozart’s iconic Requiem, alongside English folk song settings in John Rutter’s The Sprig of Thyme and a new orchestral version of Brahms’ exquisite Geistlicheslied. Adam Possener, a member of the Upper Sixth at Norwich School, was the viola soloist in Bruch's Kol Nidrei.  His memorable performance was played on a 1775 viola by Laclerc.

Reviews from the audience were all extremely positive:

"Everyone seemed to be really enjoying it."

"The sound which they were making was simply outstanding."

"A fabulous, inspirational and moving evening."

Musicians from the London Mozart Players led a workshop in the Norwich School chapel earlier in the year for pupils taking part in the concert, which was enjoyed by everyone.

Many thanks to the event sponsors: Bartram Mowers, Mr Kip Bertram, Birketts Solicitors, Dr Leslie Cooper, Dardan Securities, Jarrold, Loveday and Partners, Mills and Reeve Solicitors, The Norfolk and Norwich Law Society.

Click here to see the event programme.

Photos are available to purchase via the school's photostore. (contact for the password).

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