Senior School news

Challenge 29!

29 February 2024

With 2024 a leap year, February offered an extra day which our Charities Committee were keen to make the most of!

So when Mr Manton suggested asking our community to take on a challenge every day in February, the committee members ‘leapt’ on the idea and created Challenge 29. 

The Challenge 29 was an opportunity for students and staff to partake in a task every day of the month of February to challenge themselves any way they wished whilst being sponsored to raise a total of £29 each. 19 students and 4 members of staff completed their challenge of choice and all received a medal in assembly on Monday morning. The total amount of money that was raised by the students and staff was an amazing £750, which was donated to Priscilla Bacon Hospice Charity in aid of enhancing the patients experience at Priscilla Bacon Lodge. The challenge itself was a great opportunity for students to challenge themselves mentally, physically or emotionally, such as Mr Manton running 29 miles through the night of the 28th and arriving on cathedral grounds on the morning of the 29th. Norwich School was so grateful for the opportunity to help donate to charity and aid others where possible.

Below U6 Pupil, Kyle Stevens, shares his experience:

"Challenge 29 was an amazing opportunity for me to help others whilst improving myself. My Challenge for the month of February was to do the plank for 2 minutes everyday and on the last day I managed to go for 3 minutes and 30 seconds. The journey however was my proudest moment, as the mental strength I had gained from this challenge will aid me in the future. The challenge also allowed me to connect with many of the other students that donated to my challenge, giving even more motivation to push on do my best day. To finish off I would like to leave you with a quote that helped me through the challenge. “This is what hard feels like, and that's okay. Everything worth doing is hard, and the more worth doing it is, the harder it is. The greater the pay off, the greater the hardship. If it's hard, good. It means no one else will do it. More for you” - Chris Williamson"

Written by Kyle Stevens, U6