Lower School news

Lower School Go Back in Time for Egyptian Day

28 February 2023

The Lower School was awash with Pharoahs, mummies, slaves and archaeologists on Tuesday when Lower 2 pupils were treated to a full day of Egyptian activities and learning.

The morning started with a fact hunt and moved on to a hands-on study of original 3000 year old artefacts including perfume jars, amulets and even a piece of original bandage from a tomb!

After lunch, they participated in a drama workshop where poor Pharoah Orson, surrounded by his wife, priests and slaves, fell ill and died. Mummification of his body followed and he was sent off to the Underworld with chanting, the Book of the Dead, an Anubis-adorned shroud and a rowdy procession around the Hall. He was finally laid to rest in a tomb, painted by the very best artists with images of his favourite activity - hunting.

The Lower 2 citizens of Egypt celebrated their new Pharoah by hunting hippos and crocodiles.
