Lower School news

Exploring the Circus Maximus: Author Annelise Gray visits Norwich School

17 October 2023

Last week, the Lower School welcomed author Annelise Gray to speak about her Circus Maximus series of books. Lower Three pupils were delighted to be joined by sixty pupils from Charles Darwin Primary School for this event. Annelise launched into an engaging presentation on Ancient Rome, giving information about chariot racing, and the remarkable female characters of that era. As the children sat wide-eyed, the author transported them back in time to the dusty, bustling streets of Rome, and the arena of the Circus Maximus. 

Annelise vividly described the excitement and danger of chariot racing and the deafening roar of the crowds during the event. The author's storytelling brought the heart-pounding excitement of the races to life, as brave male and female charioteers risked everything in pursuit of glory. 

Annelise introduced pupils to her fearless central character Dido, who defied society conventions to achieve great things in a male-dominated world. The Year 5 pupils were inspired by this fierce central heroine and the courage she displayed to achieve her goals. 

With captivating anecdotes, the author left the students with a deeper understanding of Ancient Rome and the empowering notion that history is full of remarkable women whose stories deserve to be heard. The author's visit ignited curiosity and imagination, making history come alive for these young minds. Pupils are now busy reading Annelise’s books and loving them! 
