Norwich School Blog

Pupil Personal Development (PPD)

Pupil Personal Development (PPD)

We see the value in informing parents/guardians about what our pupils are learning in their PPD lessons, talks and lectures. We hope to promote and encourage our pupils to share information about what they've been learning in PPD with their parents/guardians. Here are some questions you may wish to ask and discuss with your children, depending what year group they are in: 

Lower 4 - What physical changes can occur during puberty? What emotional changes can occur during puberty? 

Upper 4 - What relationship values do you deem important and why? What are the basic forms of contraception? 

Lower 5 - What does equity mean and how is it different to equality? What are protected characteristics? 

Middle 5 - What is youth produced sexual imagery and what do you know about it? 

Upper 5 - Reflection on their mock exam preparation. What went well? What would you change for next time?  Do you have any concerns? 

Lower 6 - Tell me what was discussed at the talk from Oddballs? 

Upper 6 - Reflection on their mock exam preparation. What went well? What would you change for next time?  Do you have any concerns? 

Staff training – Pastoral staff have recently received two CPD sessions from the Terrence Higgins Trust aimed at sharing ideas and learning best practice for the delivery of Relationships and Sex Education. 

Pupil led initiative – Three pupils from the L6 recently delivered a talk to the Lower 4 on neurodiversity.
More details here 


Parental resources - #asktheawkward