Norwich School Blog

Back to Books! - Meet the Fifth Form Book Group

In this new series, we will be meeting each of the various book groups throughout the Norwich School, with words from staff and pupils about how these groups have shaped their reading habits and furthered their love of reading. 

Today, we hear from 5 members of the Fifth Form Book Group; Mark Moore, Celeste Horsman, Alex Adkins, Nia Treavett and Mohid Sandhu and to get an insight into what happens in Book Group! 

When and why did you join Book Group? 

Mark: “I joined last year” 

Celeste: “L5, when I joined the school, because I wanted to get involved in as many clubs as possible that I was interested in.” 

Alex: “I joined in L4 and I wanted to be with people who loved reading just as much as me” 

Nia: “I joined last year because I wanted to join the community” 

Mohid: “Upper 4, I joined as I used to love reading in my old school, Town Close, and the librarian there Mrs Wooton always encouraged me to join a book group in my next school as there wasn't one there!” 

What's the best thing about coming to the Reading Group meetings? 

Mark: “The excellent librarians!” 

Celeste: “Everyone’s really close, so it’s a great atmosphere!” 

Alex: “The Biscuits” 

Nia: “To have a community of people like me around me” 

Mohid: “The activities and how interactive it is! It’s more of a friendly discussion and games rather than formal meeting” 

Has being in Book Group changed your reading habits at all? If so, how? 

Mark: “It’s introduced me to various new genres” 

Celeste: “I read more of a variety of books, because people recommend different genres that I wouldn’t have thought to read.” 

Alex: “Yes, I read so much more now!” 

Nia: “Yes! I read a lot more” 

Mohid: “It has encouraged me to read more, as I learnt I’m not the only one who reads, and to try different genres instead of sticking with fantasy- I discovered I love dystopian and mystery/detective novels too!” 

Give us a book recommendation! 

Mark: “The Hunger Games series” 

Celeste: “Where He Can’t Find You by Darcy Coates - it’s a fantastic horror book.” 

Alex: “Sabriel by Garth Nix” 

Nia: “Percy Jackson and the Olympians” 

Mohid: “The Robin Hood series by Robert Muchamore. I saw it when we were shown new books in reading group, otherwise may never have picked it up. I read it and discovered it was one of my favourite series and now read every book as it releases- it's a modern twist on a classic tale, without spoilers containing a lot more dystopia and action, and adapted for a modern-day audience whilst still retaining his original qualities- one of my favourite series of all time!” 


In the photos below we can see the Sixth Form Book Group eagerly preparing for the Norwich School Doors Trail on World Book Day! 

Throughout the Senior School 36 doors will be decorated in the theme of a certain book and it is up to pupils to follow the trail and win a sweet treat! (Whilst hopefully finding some book recommendations along the way!) 
