Week Commencing 11/05/2020

Monday 11th May

Challenge for the week:

Last week the challenge was to spend one hour (or more) practising something new.

See below Alice Strike and Ciara Bethapudy’s efforts with calligraphy this week. Making good progress!


This week your Fourth Form Blog challenge is to create some interesting Origami shapes! Be creative!


Tuesday 12th May

TED-Talk Tuesday

Watch as ten-year-old Cole Blakeway explains that we're all different, and why that's awesome!

In other news, Grace Yeo (L4) and her father have been very busy in developing a prototype mask for use as PPE a the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital. You can watch the video of how Grace and Mr Yeo are working with staff at the hospital to ensure that the design can help medical workers keep as safe as possible. 


Wednesday 13th May

Writing Prompt Wednesday

Write a short story- 500 words max

Or for a quick challenge

Write a very short story- 100 words max

Here is your prompt:

When he woke up his brother was there, looming over him, a wide grin on his face.

“Come see!” he said. “You won’t believe this…”


See below for last week's winner Grace Yeo's short story "What lurks beneath our feet".

Start your piece with the prompt and see where it takes you! The best entries every week will be posted on the blog the following week. Send your entries to ewolsey@Norwich-school.org.uk.

What lurks beneath our feet. By Grace Yeo

The sea frothed and writhed beneath the boat, and a pair of great red eyes stared up at them from the deep. Rain fell like icy daggers as the froth churned beneath their feet. The violent creaking of the weathered oak mast fuelled their fear as they clung onto the fraying twines. Rocking and spinning, spinning and rocking, their world spun into an infinite spiral. Splinters flew in every direction as a pair of hands the colour of ash groped its way to a coil of rope.

The hands were patterned with scars while the claw-like nails screeched in protest against the wood. As the thing heaved itself onto the failing boat a mane of matted green hair stuck to the thin face of the creaure. The face looked up. Barnacles clung to the hollow cheeks while the humanoid creature howled guttural symphonies. It stared at the crew with a cold intensity. Three gaunt faces stared back at it.

Coughing up sea water the being’s eyes softened. The eyes that were once a malicious silver hue had changed to a docile light misty blue. Almost human. It opened its mouth and began.

“long ago these waters boiled,

from far beneath the Earth’s crust,

 a gaping wound that burned as sun,

lay an object as dark as night,

heavier than the weight of sea, its name is a small single word, its name is called the Mischief,

the Mischief lays havoc behind,

the Mischief places doubt at now,

the Mischief lays true fear ahead,

the Mischief cradles all thy fear,

acknowledge thy weakness to me,

for I cannot save ye if not,

the Mischief can devour ye all…’

Blank faces. Silence. Unmoving lips. Their ignorance blazoned in the frenzied storm. The creature shook its head in pity for the ignorance in these men would be the death of them. It waited for them to speak. Moments passed in the battering rain. Still, the men continued their silence. Glancing back at the three men it slipped back into the raging waters.

Sparks flew across the water like glowing arcs. The men backed away slowly towards the centre of the ship, back to back. The sparks combined. The arcs whipped around. Three electric horses pawed the deck, scorching the splintering wood. The onyx black sky had no sprinkle of stars. Nor was there a moon or a sun. The only things that were giving light were the beasts that stood in front of them. The horses charged.

The tape stuttered to a faulty stop. One of the people in the room got up. ‘I’ll find the other tape.’ Said the man in monotone fashion. The other person stood up. Her mane of red hair glinted in the dull light of the auditorium while her misty light blue eyes stared at the man. She sighed as she followed the man. ‘This is authentic. Those men died from their ignorance. I think the world should wake up to see strange reality.’


In other news... Budge, eat your heart out! It seems we might have another honorary Norwich School feline. Katherine Jackson's cat seems to want to get involved in our remote learning provision!


Thursday 14th May

Thursday is Fitness Challenge Day! 

This week's fitness challenge from Miss Tivey is the balance challenge.

Stand on one leg. Using a football or similar sized object, pass the ball round your body 10 times in a clockwise motion, then 10 times in an anticlockwise motion. How long does it take you to complete all 20 circles, with our losing your balance? Can you beat Miss Tivey's 22 seconds? Remember, your other foot isn't allowed to touch the floor, or you have to start again!


Friday 15th May

Fun Fact Friday! 

Otters hold hands while they sleep so they don't drift apart. Thank you to Georgia Lloyd (L4 Nelson) for this week's fun fact!

Image credit: Joe Robertson. Texas, USA