Week Commencing 08/06/20

Monday 8th June

Challenge for the week:

This week's challenge is to learn something new, outside of your lessons! This could be a new word or phrase in a language you're learning, a new song on your favourite musical instrument or just an interesting fact about something. Please send in photos, descriptions, or even videos of you completing this challenge to ewolsey@norwich-school.org.uk.

In other news, L4 have been bird watching in Biology recently. See below a video created by Ciara Bethapudy, Daisy Massy, Rosie Pank and Floriana (Boo) Harrod of their bird watching experiences.


Also see Lucas Peacock's excellent poster that demonstrates all of the types of bird he saw.

In Art & Design, Harry Thomas created this poignant piece on the lockdown and how we might be feeling about it. Great work everyone!

Tuesday 9th June

TED:Talk Tuesday

For Ted Talk Tuesday this week, watch Krish Mehra explain how he got into coding, and how he programmed an app at age 11.

Wednesday 10th June

Writing Prompt Wednesday

Write a short story- 500 words max

Or for a quick challenge

Write a very short story- 100 words max

Here is your prompt:

Eyes stared out at him from the mirror, eyes that moved on their own, eyes in a face he didn't recognise.  "Help me!" The mirror person mouthed, "please!"

See below, Georgia Hodgson's take on last week's writing prompt.

She heard voices in the night. Strange voices all gruff and growling. Through the crack in the kitchen door she watched them, her cat and her dog. They were arguing about politics…

Ariella rubbed her eyes, incredulous, as she observed the outlandish scene. She blamed her grogginess, believing that the peculiar sight was just her imagination, but, after surveying the incident intently, she found herself crediting. Crediting that… her cat and dog were arguing about politics on the cold, tiled kitchen floor. She let out a small giggle, failing to stifle it, at it, before gasping and clasping a hand over her mouth.

The feline turned his head towards the door, spying his shell-shocked owner, and the canine followed suit. Arielle looked at her cat, Felicity, and her dog, Cooper, and breathed, “You two can talk?”

“Woof?” the dog barked, staring up at his owner with wide, gleaming eyes.

“Meow?” the cat mewled, scampering over to Ariella and hissing at Cooper.

Ariella shook her head and tittered, before heading back to the bedroom to slumber, the thought of her cat and dog arguing about politics stuck in her mind.

When she left, however, Felicity turned to Cooper and hissed, “But Ginger McCatani is better than Bingo Dogarty. End of story.” And with that, the cat slinked away.

Thursday 11th June

Thursday is Fitness Challenge Day! 

This week's fitness challenge from Mr Daalhuizen:

'How many times can you complete the shoe tap circuit in 30 seconds?

Right hand to left foot (in front)

Left hand to right foot (in front)

Right hand to left heel (behind)

Left hand to right heel (behind)

Can you beat Mr Daalhuizen's score of 17?

Friday 12th June

Fun Fact Friday! 

According to the Salmon Act 1986, it is illegal to handle a salmon in "suspicious circumstances".