Senior School news

Parents' Evenings go remote this week as Teams proves to be a fortunate tool for staff and families alike!

30 September 2020

This week saw both the U5 and U6 Parents' Evenings held remotely for the first time this year. Pupils in U6 last night said that they had found the parents evening to work well, along with recent remote learning for their subjects, where they reported to have felt they had been able to make excellent progress by logging in to their live lessons back at school. 

Teachers also spoke encouragingly about the evening - the technology, fortunately, was on their side, and appointments were kept much more to time in many cases. 

It seems, rather like U5 parents evening last week, our experience of another remote parents evening was largely a success!

Parents echoed this and reported it to work well. They also thanked members of staff for making such efforts to integrate pupils who have been unable to join their peers in the classroom. 

They were particularly positive about the experience and celebrated the strength of both the friendships between pupils and also the relationships between staff and pupils in such a way, that a pupil working from home has not felt disconnected from the rest of the action, in recent days.