Norwich School Blog

Lockdown Diaries: Sally, Class Supervisor

Lockdown Diaries: Sally, Class Supervisor.

Whilst the majority of pupils are learning from home, children of key workers are taking part in their lessons in school. Each group is looked after by one of our Class Supervisors. The first blog in our news series, Lockdown Diaries, is from Sally, one of our Class Supervisors who tells us a little about the role and what her life looked like before Lockdown.  

“Who would have thought we would be in lockdown again. How life has changed for me over the last year.

This time last year I was working at Norwich School as a cheerleading coach, teaching classes at Bannatynes gym and doing sports massage therapy in a local salon.

By March, my two children were no longer at school and I had no work. All of a sudden the whole family was at home and my husband was still trying to work from home too. The weather was beautiful and I spent a lot of time outside in our garden, walking our Cockapoo dog and exercising every day. Life was actually quite relaxing for a while and then time went on…

I found it hard not being able to mix with other people; I am a very social person and like to get out and see others.

After a few months some normality returned and I took on a role at Norwich School as a lunch-time cover supervisor, working most lunchtimes in and around the school site. It was great to get back to seeing people on a regular basis.

But as the new year rang in, lockdown number 3 began and it's back to where we were nearly a year ago, but this time it has been very different for me. This time I have taken on the role as a class supervisor, looking after the children of key workers whilst they take part in their online or games lessons. There are 5 others also doing this role, all who have also had different roles within the school previously. I’m working 4 days a week and juggling home life too. It’s great being able to help in school and see how the children cope with their lessons and trying their best to do work. I’ve been so impressed with their resilience and positive attitudes during this time.

My children are at home, doing as most children are…home learning, which is very challenging for any child. Some lessons are interactive with the teacher, which is helping them, and I’m sure many others, to learn the best they can.

When not in school, I am teaching online fitness classes 4 times a week too. My life very much revolves around fitness I enjoy most types of exercise. During lockdown I have joined in with virtual runs to keep motivated and varied what I do to keep myself fit and healthy."