Norwich School Blog

BAME Soc, also known as the Cultural Appreciation Society, launches at Norwich School

After a busy start to term, BAME Soc, also known as the Cultural Appreciation Society, launched at Norwich School. 

Our first major event was the Cultural Food Fair which took place on the penultimate day of Michaelmas term. We had over 20 students brought in cultural food from a broad range of countries: China, France, Germany, Britain, Japan, India, Armenia, Nigeria, Jamaica, Italy and Sweden. At breaktime, the doors to the Blake were opened and pupils and teachers alike came into the Blake to try this huge variety of food. All money raised went towards a member of staff’s foundation which goes towards funding and overseeing community projects in Sri Lanka. 

By the end of breaktime, nearly all the food had gone and nearly £100 had been raised for the Nandana Werapitiya foundation. Along with a joint film night with Amnesty earlier in the term, BAME Soc at NS has gotten off to an amazing start, with many more events and workshops planned for the whole school as we go into the new year!

By Ann Kalu, L6